Langage oral, Education physique et sportive, Arts plastiques, Education musicale, Vivant, matière, objets, Langue vivante et Techniques Usuelles de l’Information et de la Communication
1) Understand, react and speak in oral interaction
- Abilities: answer and ask questions
- Formulations: How do you feel? I feel bored / lonely / happy / sad / angry / guilty / curious / surprised / confident / shy / worried / silly / hungry / full / sleepy.
- Culture et lexicon: feelings
- Grammar: interrogative form ; adjectives
- Phonology (perceive and reproduce):
>Falling intonation on the question "how do you feel?"
>The vowel sounds /i/ /i:/ of sleepy
>The initial h of how, hungry and happy
>Plosive at the initial + retroflexion of the /r/ of bored, of curious
>diphthongs of curious
> Different pronunciation between Angry / Hungry
> Word accent
2) Understand orally
- Abilities: Follow the thread of a story with appropriate aids: "How do you feel?" from A. Browne
- Formulations: I feel + adjectives (see above)
- Phonology: the descending intonation pattern of the open interrogative sentence
3) Talking continuously
- Abilities:
>Reproduce an oral model (when recording the digital book)
>Use expressions encountered during learning to describe oneself
- Formulations: "How do you feel?" "I feel" + adjectives above
Relation avec les programmes
Cette séquence n'est pas associée aux programmes.
Créée le 22 mars 2022 Modifiée le 22 mars 2022
228 téléchargements 6 coups de coeur
Licence Creative Commons : Paternité - Pas d'utilisation commerciale - Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique.
This sequence, which aims to create a digital book inspired by the album "How do you feel?" by A. Browne, offers stimulating and transdisciplinary tasks aimed at putting children into action in the English language through a creative approach, with the support of an authentic document, the A. Browne album.
Throughout this project, language learning is not an end in itself but rather finds its place in different activities, such as visual arts, body expression, and the use of ICT.
Oral comprehension: Following the thread of a story with appropriate aids
Understand, react and speak in oral interaction
Understand orally
Talk continuously
CAPABILITIES (BO of August 30, 2007)
Answer and ask questions
Understand class instructions
Understand short and simple instructions
Follow the thread of a story with appropriate aids
Reproduce an oral model
The feelings in reference to the studied album
Song "If you're happy..."
45 minutes (5 phases)
Anthony Brown's album "How do you feel"?
Images from the book in the form of flashcards: bored / lonely / happy / sad / angry
A worksheet with a miniature reproduction of these flashcards, to color.
Before starting this sequence on feelings, it seems important to me to conduct a language sequence on the theme of feelings and emotions felt personally and to pay particular attention to the understanding in French of the feelings that we want to work on in English language.
Similarly, during the period of unfolding of this sequence, we can lead in parallel a sequence of bodily expression to teach students to express feelings and emotions through gesture and movement. Moreover, when you have made sufficient progress in these sequences (oral language and PE), some PE sessions can easily be conducted in the target language.
1. Rituels
| 15 min. | réinvestissement
Comprendre, réagir et parler en interaction orale
Salutations : Hello, good morning. How are you? Fine, thank you.
Appel : I call the roll and you answer "here" / Who is missing today?
Date: What's the day today?
Météo: What's the weather like today?
Calcul mental : Let's do some maths (1 + 5 = ... etc.)
2. Compréhension oral
| 10 min. | découverte
Comprendre à l'oral
Présentation : title, author.
reading of the first part of album : How do you feel? d' Anthony Browne, doing mime. (to "I feel angry")
Children listen and repeat after the teacher, miming.
3. Introduction new lexicon
| 8 min. | découverte
Comprendre, réagir et parler en interaction orale
flashcards : bored; lonely; happy; sad; angry
look and listen
listen and repeat
repeat in your head
"point to" : flash cards "point to ... happy / sad / ..."
4. training
| 8 min. | entraînement
understanding,react, talk
Guess the mime
5. individual
| 4 min. | recherche
Simon says : Simon says to fell happy / sad / angry...
Feelings 1
Dernière mise à jour le 22 mars 2022
Discipline / domaine
Langue vivante
bored / lonely / happy / sad / angry / guilty
Understand, react and speak in oral interaction
Understand orally
Talk continuously
CAPABILITIES (BO of August 30, 2007)
Answer and ask questions
Understand class instructions
Understand short and simple instructions
Follow the thread of a story with appropriate aids
Reproduce an oral model
The feelings in reference to the studied album
Song "If you're happy..."
46 minutes (5 phases)
Flashcards : bored / lonely / happy / sad / angry / guilty
card game
colour dictation (attached)
1. Rituels
| 15 min. | entraînement
Comprendre, réagir et parler en interaction orale
Salutations : Hello, good morning. How are you? Fine, thank you.
Appel : I call the roll and you answer "here" / Who is missing today?
Date: What's the day today?
Météo: What's the weather like today?
Calcul mental : Let's do some maths (1 + 5 = ... etc.)
Chant de mise en train : "If you're happy and you know it" (happy : clap your hands/ sad : wipe your eyes)
"if you're happy and you know it" avec "happy/clap your hands" et "sad/wipe your eyes"
new part : "If you're angry... / stamp your feet"
5. Production
| 5 min. | découverte
bored / lonely / happy / sad / angry / guilty
Colour dictation
Feelings 2
Dernière mise à jour le 22 mars 2022
Discipline / domaine
Langue vivante
curious / surprised
41 minutes (4 phases)
"How do YOU feel?" d'A. Browne
Flashcards feelings
worksheet feelings 2
1. Rituels
| 15 min. | entraînement
understang, react, talk
Salutations : "Hello, good morning. How are you? - Fine, thank you."
Cantine : "Give me your ticket if you eat at the canteen today" "How many kids are eating? Let's count together"
Ramassage des cahiers noirs : "You put your black exercice book on your desk. Please, Loan an Lise, collect them."
Appel : "I call the roll and you answer ... - here" /" -... is missing"
Météo: "What's the weather like today?- It's ..."
Calcul mental : "Let's do some maths" (x plus y equals ? ) / (I put x magnets in my hands. Now I put my left hand in my back. I have x magnets left in my right hand. How many magnets are in my back?)
Chant de mise en train : "If you're happy... sad... angry..."
number game with flashcards : "What number is happy?
4. Production
| 8 min. | évaluation
Color the feeling : (sad / angry / happy / curious / surprised)
Feelings 3
Dernière mise à jour le 22 mars 2022
Discipline / domaine
Langue vivante
Confident / Shy / Worried / Silly
40 minutes (4 phases)
worksheet 3
1. Rituels
| 15 min. | entraînement
Comprendre, réagir et parler en interaction orale
Salutations : Hello, good morning. How are you? Fine, thank you.
Appel : I call the roll and you answer "here" / Who is missing today?
Date: What's the day today?
Météo: What's the weather like today?
Calcul mental : Let's do some maths (1 + 5 = ... etc.)
Chant : If you're happy.../ sad... / angry...
2. Rebrassage
| 8 min. | réinvestissement
Comprendre, réagir et parler en interaction orale
Flashcards des sentiments connus : (bored / lonely / sad / angry / happy / guilty/ curious / surprised)
Look and listen
What is this feeling?
Jeu des numéros : L'enseignant affiche les flashcards au tableau et les numérote. Lorsqu'il énonce un sentiment, les élèves doivent donner le numéro correspondant. Ex. "What number is happy?
Guess the mime : Un élève volontaire de tire une carte et la mime. Celui qui devine le mime vient au tableau à son tour...
3. Introduction de quatre nouveaux sentiments
| 12 min. | découverte
Comprendre à l'oral
Lecture de l'album aux pages des 4 sentiments suivants : Confident / Shy / Worried / Silly. Mime de ces différents sentiments avec les élèves et recherche des expressions les plus convainquantes.
A l'aide des flashcards correspondantes :
look and listen
repeat in your head
listen and repeat
Mime and repeat : L'enseignant énonce chaque sentiment avec le ton correspondant à ce que ce sentiment exprime. Par exemple, on dit "confident" assez fort avec un grand sourire; "Shy" tout doucement en baissant la tête; "Worried" avec un ton grave et en plissant le front; "Silly" avec une voix aigue et en roulant les yeux.
Jeu du "Repeat if it's true": L'enseignant montre une flashcards et énonce un sentiment de la même manière que ci-dessus. Si le sentiment correspond, les enfants le répètent, sinon ils se taisent.
Jeu du point to: Les flashcards sont fixées sur les murs de la classe, tout autour des enfants, et l'enseignant demande à la classe "point to ... confident / worried / ..."
4. Chant
| 5 min. | découverte
Parler en continu
song"if you're happy and you know it" avec "happy/clap your hands" et "sad/wipe your eyes"
new part : "If you're silly... / do all three"
Feelings 4
Dernière mise à jour le 22 mars 2022
Discipline / domaine
Langue vivante
Comprendre à l'oral les sentiments : hungry / full / sleepy
> Comprendre, réagir et parler en interaction orale
> Comprendre à l'oral
> Parler en continu
CAPACITÉS (BO du 30 août 2007)
> Répondre à des questions et en poser
> Comprendre les consignes de classe
> Comprendre des instructions courtes et simples
> Suivre le fil d'une histoire avec des aides appropriées
> Reproduire un modèle oral
> Les sentiments en référence à l'album étudié
> Chant "If you're happy..."
41 minutes (4 phases)
Jeu de cartes-sentiments
Fiche d'évaluation 4
Une attention particulière est portée à la différence de prononciation entre "angry" et "hungry"
1. Rituels
| 15 min. | entraînement
Comprendre, réagir et parler en interaction orale
Salutations : Hello, good morning. How are you? Fine, thank you.
Appel : I call the roll and you answer "here" / Who is missing today?
Date: What's the day today?
Météo: What's the weather like today?
Calcul mental : Let's do some maths (1 + 5 = ... etc.)
Jeu des numéros : L'enseignant affiche les flashcards au tableau et les numérote. Lorsqu'il énonce un sentiment, les élèves doivent donner le numéro correspondant. Ex. "What number is happy?
Repeat if it's true: A l'aide des Flashcards des sentiments déjà travaillés, les enfants ne répètent que lorsque le sentiment énoncé correspond bien à la flashcard.
3. Introduction des trois derniers feelings
| 10 min. | recherche
Comprendre à l'oral
Lecture des deux nouvelles pages et introduction des nouveaux sentiments "hungry", "full" et "sleepy". L'enseignant mime ces sentiments pour aider à la compréhension.
Flashcards : (hungry / full / sleepy)
Look and listen
Listen and repeat in your head
Listen and repeat
What is this feeling?
Mime this feeling : les élèves s'entrainent à mimer ces nouveaux sentiments
Understand, react and speak in interaction within the framework of a role-playing game
> Understand, react and speak in oral interaction
> Understand orally
> Talk continuously
CAPABILITIES (BO of August 30, 2007)
> Answer and ask questions
> Understand class instructions
> Understand short and simple instructions
> Follow the thread of a story with appropriate aids
> Reproduce an oral model
> the formulation: "How do you feel? / I feel ..."
> The feelings in reference to the studied album
> Song "If you're happy..."
45 minutes (4 phases)
card game
1. Rituels
| 15 min. | entraînement
Comprendre, réagir et parler en interaction orale
Salutations : Hello, good morning. How are you? Fine, thank you.
Appel : I call the roll and you answer "here" / ... is missing
Météo: What's the weather like today? / It's ...
Calcul mental : Let's do some maths (x plus y equals ? ) / (I put x magnets in my hands. Now I put my left hand in my back. I have x magnet left in my right hand. How many magnets are in my back?)
Chant de mise en train : "If you're happy... sad... angry..."
2. Rebrassage et introduction de la formulation : How do you feel? I feel ...
| 8 min. | réinvestissement
Comprendre à l'oral
Participatory proofreading of the whole album "How do you feel?" : the teacher reads the album again, letting the children take part in the reading as much as possible.
At the end of the album, he insists on the question posed: "How do YOU feel?". He asks himself this question and answers it with "I feel happy".
Then he asks the question to a student.
Finally, he invites the class to repeat the question in heart to a few students.
At this stage, students will probably respond with the same "I feel happy"... Value the use of the complete sentence: "I feel..."
3. Théâtralisation
| 10 min. | découverte
Comprendre, réagir et parler en interaction orale
Dramatization: The teacher and a student volunteer are on the board. The teacher holds the flashcards and asks the question "How do you feel?". Then he invites the student to choose a flashcard and to respond accordingly with "I feel + ..." (feeling represented on the card). Emphasize the mime of this feeling at the same time as the enunciation: for example, we can take up the answer by exaggerating this mime, to show the students what is expected of them.
Then several voluntary pairs go to the board and resume the same dialogue, but we take care to remove the flashcards previously used in order to reinvest all the lexicon learned.
4. Production autonome
| 12 min. | entraînement
Comprendre, réagir et parler en interaction orale
Work in pairs: Distribute a set of cards for two students and invite each pair to resume the dialogue. The teacher circulates in the ranks to ensure the smooth running of the game and ensures that the roles are reversed at the "half-time" of the game.
Creation of the digital book
Dernière mise à jour le 22 mars 2022
Discipline / domaine
Langue vivante
Understand orally: follow short and simple instructions when making the feeling masks.
Speak continuously: reproduce an oral model during the sound recording of the digital book.
45 minutes (2 phases)
Enlarged images of the heads of A. Browne's chimpanzee expressing the different feelings and emotions worked on.
Markers, scissors, cardstock.
Equipment needed to record the image and sound.
"Didapage" software for the creation of the digital book.
1. Fabrication des masques
| 20 min. | découverte
Distribute two enlarged heads to each pair and give the model in color (flashcard): "You color with your felter pen"
Glue the colored heads on the cardstock: "You glue your drawing on the paperboard"
Cut to obtain masks: "You cut along the edges"
2. Création du livre numérique
| 25 min. | découverte
Record the class asking the question "how do you feel?"; then film and record each pair wearing their manufactured masks and answering the question: "I feel + feeling corresponding to the mask"
Transfer the recorded files to the computer with Didapage.
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