poser des questions simples et répondre

Langue vivante 1
Demander à quelqu’un des nouvelles et réagir
- Utiliser des formules de politesse élémentaires
Relation avec les programmes
Cette séquence n'est pas associée aux programmes.
Créée le 01 novembre 2016
Modifiée le 01 novembre 2016
38 téléchargements
1 coups de coeur
CC-BY-NC-SALicence Creative Commons : Paternité - Pas d'utilisation commerciale - Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique ?.

Déroulement des séances


Hello, how are you

Dernière mise à jour le 01 novembre 2016
Discipline / domaine
Langue vivante 1
Demander à quelqu’un des nouvelles et réagir

- Compétence fondamentale.
- S'exprimer et communiquer à l'oral et à l'écrit de manière simple mais efficace.
45 minutes (3 phases)

1. Emotions

collectif | 10 min. | découverte

Present to the student a selection of emotions you would like them to use, such as: happy, sad, tired, fine, hungry, excited, worried, cold, warm, etc. With drawings, images, flashcards, etc.

With short dialogues or mimes, explain each emotions and make sure the student have understood all of them. You can ask quickly a few students: hello, how are you? And encourage them to give you a complete answer: hello, I am happy/sad/etc thank you

2. Phase 2

collectif | 20 min. | recherche

Give each student a card with an emotion on it, and start a ball game: the teacher starts and says "hello, I am happy. How are you?" (pick a student) <-> "Hello, I am fine, thank you." (the student pick an other student) etc

The whole class must play the game, every time a student had talk, he/she gives back his/her card to the teacher. You can encourage the student to use other way to say hello and thank you.

3. Phase 3

collectif | 15 min. | mise en commun / institutionnalisation

Now, each student start to write his/her own dialogue, that will be a base for the futur evaluation. You can give them a frame, so that the dialogue will look like that:

Character 1: Hello, how are you?
Character 2: Hello, I am ................... thank you. And you?
Character 1: I am ........................... thank you.

Depending on the capability of each student, you can give them different frames :

Character 1: ................, how are you?
Character 2: ................., .................................. thank you. And you ?
Character 1: ........................................ thank you