- Se familiariser avec le médium spécifique qu'est la peinture
- Apprendre des techniques de peinture variées pour favoriser l'expression picturale
- Se familiariser avec des expressions en anglais liées à l'activité du dessin et de la peinture
- Rencontrer de nouveaux mots en anglais liés aux thèmes des séances
- Découvrir des chansons traditionnelles ou non en anglais liées aux thèmes des séances
Relation avec les programmes
Cette séquence n'est pas associée aux programmes.
Créée le 28 avril 2021 Modifiée le 07 juillet 2021
201 téléchargements 10 coups de coeur
Licence Creative Commons : Paternité - Pas d'utilisation commerciale - Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique.
- Discover the Pop Art movement of the 60s
- Discover Andy Warhol
- Listen to some 60s US music (California dreaming)
- Use colour knowledge to create a bright contrasting print-like piece
90 minutes (5 phases)
Supplies common to each session : Audio, Blank cards, Wide based jars, Water,
Aprons, Paint, Paintbrushes (fine and wide), Paper, Card, Felt-tip pens, Clipboards,
Palettes, Some scrap cloth
Specific supplies: Computer, camera, printer
1. Welcome and warm-up
| 5 min. | découverte
1. Welcome everyone. 2. Hello song. Hello, hello ! How are you ? I'm good, I'm great ! How about you ? 3. Today's theme is Pop Art!
2. Music moment
| 15 min. | découverte
1. Listen to "California Dreamin'" by The Mamas and the Papas (just sound) 2. Practise singing the chorus "California dreamin' (California dreamin') On such a winter's day (California dreamin')" 3. Watch the video (dates back to 1965) and sing along 4. Comments welcome on style of this typical 60s band
3. A spot of art history
| 15 min. | découverte
1. Introduce today's artist : Andy Warhol and talk a bit about the artist, style, pop art movement etc. Show a few images. Welcome comments. 2. Analysing a work: Marilyn Diptych - welcome comments, hypotheses of how the artist proceeded :silk-screen printing. Today we will use a computer.
4. Let's paint !
| 45 min. | découverte
Draw, or use a black and white image from the internet from today's "popular culture". (A well known character from a cartoon, a film...)
Copy and paste the image 4 times and print.
Cut out, arrange on a large A3 sheet of paper, go over the images in different felt-tip pens, using complimentary colours, and paint the backgrounds in contrasting colours.
5. Tidy-up and good-bye
| 10 min. | découverte
1. Everyone washes their brushes and palettes when they've finished painting. Use the object vocab. 2. One last sing-song (today's one and an old one). 3. That's it ! Until next week ! Good-bye everyone ! Parent-pick-up time.
Thiebaud's cakes
Dernière mise à jour le 19 mai 2021
Discipline / domaine
Arts plastiques
- Continue the Pop Art movement of the 50s/60s
- Discover Wayne Thiebaud
- Learn transfer drawing
- Use complementary colour knowledge to colour shadows
90 minutes (5 phases)
Supplies common to each session : Audio, Blank cards, Wide based jars, Water,
Aprons, Paint, Paintbrushes (fine and wide), Paper, Card, Felt-tip pens, Clipboards,
Palettes, Some scrap cloth
Specific supplies: pre-drawn templates of Thiebaud's cake model
1. Welcome and warm-up
| 5 min. | découverte
1. Welcome everyone. 2. Hello song. Hello, hello ! How are you ? I'm good, I'm great ! How about you ? 3. Today's art style is still Pop Art and the theme is cake!
For older kids : Analysing Cake - welcome comments, hypotheses of how the artist proceeded, NB colour of shadow.
For younger kids : AnalysingIce cream cones - welcome comments, hypotheses of how the artist proceeded, NB colour of shadow.
3. Let's draw
| 15 min. | découverte
(For older kids) Demo : draw transfer Go over the lines in 2B pencil (or softer), Turn over and trace back over the lines onto the A3 paper
(For younger kids) Vocabulary on the cake and sweets theme. Look at Thiebaud's Gumballs, draw using stencil
4. Let's paint !
| 45 min. | découverte
Paint using knowledge of complementary colours (the shadows should complement the main light colour)
5. Tidy-up and good-bye
| 10 min. | découverte
1. Everyone washes their brushes and palettes when they've finished painting. Use the object vocab. 2. One last sing-song (today's one and an old one). 3. That's it ! Until next week ! Good-bye everyone ! Parent-pick-up time.
Klimt and decor
Dernière mise à jour le 28 mai 2021
Discipline / domaine
Arts plastiques
- Discover Klimt
- Learn the 'camouflage' effect
90 minutes (5 phases)
Supplies common to each session : Wide based jars, Water,
Aprons, Paint, Paintbrushes (fine and wide), Paper, Card, Felt-tip pens, Clipboards,
Palettes, Some scrap cloth
Specific supplies: Computer, camera, printer, PVA glue
1. Welcome and warm-up
| 5 min. | découverte
1. Welcome everyone. 2. Hello song. Hello, hello ! How are you ? I'm good, I'm great ! How about you ? 3. Today's theme is decoration.
2. A spot of art history
| 15 min. | découverte
1. Introduce today's artist : Gustav Klimt and talk a bit about the artist, style, etc. Show a few images. Welcome comments. 2. Analysing a work: Adele Bloch-Bauer - welcome comments, hypotheses of how the artist proceeded.
Photograph each child (wearing a big white t-shirt over their clothes) against a white background
Adjust the light and contrast of the photos (everything very white except face and arms/hands), then print
4. Let's paint !
| 45 min. | découverte
Stick the A4 printed photo on an A3 paper.
Draw patterns all over the white parts
Paint using 2 or more colours to attain the 'camouflage' effect of Klimt.
5. Tidy-up and good-bye
| 10 min. | découverte
Everyone washes their brushes and palettes when they've finished painting. Use the object vocab.
That's it ! Until next week ! Good-bye everyone ! Parent-pick-up time.
Cézanne's fruit - part 1
Dernière mise à jour le 31 mai 2021
Discipline / domaine
Arts plastiques
- Mother's Day painting
- Discover Paul Cézanne
- Observational drawing
- Fruit vocabulary in English
90 minutes (5 phases)
Supplies common to each session : Audio, Blank cards, Wide based jars, Water,
Aprons, Paint, Paintbrushes (fine and wide), Paper, Card, Felt-tip pens, Clipboards,
Palettes, Some scrap cloth
Specific supplies: Some fresh fruit
1. Welcome and warm-up
| 5 min. | découverte
1. Welcome everyone. 2. Hello song. Hello, hello ! How are you ? I'm good, I'm great ! How about you ? 3. Today we will paint for Mother's Day, then start the fruit theme.
1. Everyone washes their brushes and palettes when they've finished painting. Use the object vocab. 2. One last sing-song (Sing a rainbow) 3. That's it ! Until next week ! Good-bye everyone ! Parent-pick-up time.
Cézanne's fruit - part 2
Dernière mise à jour le 23 juin 2021
Discipline / domaine
Arts plastiques
- Continue with Paul Cézanne
- "apples and bananas" song
- Fruit vocabulary in English
90 minutes (5 phases)
Supplies common to each session : Audio, Blank cards, Wide based jars, Water,
Aprons, Paint, Paintbrushes (fine and wide), Paper, Card, Felt-tip pens, Clipboards,
Palettes, Some scrap cloth
Specific supplies: fruit, flowers, vase (for a still life painting)
1. Welcome and warm-up
| 5 min. | découverte
1. Welcome everyone. 2. Hello song. Hello, hello ! How are you ? I'm good, I'm great ! How about you ? 3. Today we will paint a still life.
1. Everyone washes their brushes and palettes when they've finished painting. Use the object vocab. 2. One last sing-song (Sing a rainbow) 3. That's it ! Until next week ! Good-bye everyone ! Parent-pick-up time.
Native Indian headdress
Dernière mise à jour le 23 juin 2021
Discipline / domaine
Arts plastiques
- Discover the native American Indian aesthetic
- Discover profile shadow outline technique
- Listen to Native American music
90 minutes (5 phases)
Supplies common to each session : Audio, Blank cards, Wide based jars, Water,
Aprons, Paint, Paintbrushes (fine and wide), Paper, Card, Felt-tip pens, Clipboards,
Palettes, Some scrap cloth
Specific supplies:
1. Welcome and warm-up
| 5 min. | découverte
1. Welcome everyone. 2. Hello song. Hello, hello ! How are you ? I'm good, I'm great ! How about you ? 3. Today's theme is Indians!
2. A spot of art history
| 15 min. | découverte
Introduce today's artist : Native American Indian aesthetic, a bit of historical background (cowboys/indians)
Show some images of traditional dress of the Sioux groups, welcome comments
Watch a performance of traditional Native American Indian music : Wuauquikuna
4. Let's paint
| 15 min. | découverte
Draw profile using silhouette
Feathers / headdress
5. Tidy-up and good-bye
| 10 min. | découverte
1. Everyone washes their brushes and palettes when they've finished painting. Use the object vocab. 2. One last sing-song (Sing a rainbow) 3. That's it ! Until next week ! Good-bye everyone ! Parent-pick-up time.
Native Lakotah Talking stick
Dernière mise à jour le 23 juin 2021
Discipline / domaine
Arts plastiques
- Deepen understanding of native American Indian aesthetic and symbolism
- Paint on a 3D object (cylindrical)
- Listen to Native American music
90 minutes (5 phases)
Supplies common to each session : Audio, Blank cards, Wide based jars, Water,
Aprons, Paint, Paintbrushes (fine and wide), Paper, Card, Felt-tip pens, Clipboards,
Palettes, Some scrap cloth
Specific supplies: Sticks (approx. 30 cm long, 3 - 5 cm diameter), feathers, beads, leather string (or synthetic), PVA glue
1. Welcome and warm-up
| 5 min. | découverte
1. Welcome everyone. 2. Hello song. Hello, hello ! How are you ? I'm good, I'm great ! How about you ? 3. Today's theme is still Indians! Paint the sticks white (will leave time to dry to be repainted later).
Paint the stick the chosen colours, alternating etc...
4. Let's decorate
| 30 min. | découverte
Attach feathers, beads, string
5. Tidy-up and good-bye
| 10 min. | découverte
1. Everyone washes their brushes and palettes when they've finished painting. Use the object vocab. 2. One last sing-song 3. That's it ! Until next week ! Good-bye everyone ! Parent-pick-up time.
Rousseau's jungle
Dernière mise à jour le 23 juin 2021
Discipline / domaine
Arts plastiques
- Discover Henri Rousseau
- Paint a tiger (contouring technique)
- Leaf-shape cutting technique using scissors
90 minutes (6 phases)
Supplies common to each session : Audio, Blank cards, Wide based jars, Water,
Aprons, Paint, Paintbrushes (fine and wide), Paper, Card, Felt-tip pens, Clipboards,
Palettes, Some scrap cloth
Specific supplies: Scissors
1. Welcome and warm-up
| 5 min. | découverte
1. Welcome everyone. 2. Hello song. Hello, hello ! How are you ? I'm good, I'm great ! How about you ? 3. Today's theme is the jungle!
2. A spot of art history
| 10 min. | découverte
Introduce today's art movement : Henri Rousseau (1844-1910) and Primitive art. "His best-known paintings depict jungle scenes, even though he never left France or saw a jungle" - he often visited the Jardin des Plantes in Paris.
Snip zigzags into the edges all around to make leaf-like shapes.
Paint different shades of green.
Stick on paint, hiding parts of the tiger.
6. Tidy-up and good-bye
| 10 min. | découverte
1. Everyone washes their brushes and palettes when they've finished painting. Use the object vocab. 2. One last sing-song 3. That's it ! Until next week ! Good-bye everyone ! Parent-pick-up time.
The Egyptians
Dernière mise à jour le 23 juin 2021
Discipline / domaine
Arts plastiques
- Discover the Egyptian aesthetic
- Mix paint with glitter
- Learn new ways to draw facial features
90 minutes (5 phases)
Supplies common to each session : Audio, Blank cards, Wide based jars, Water,
Aprons, Paint, Paintbrushes (fine and wide), Paper, Card, Felt-tip pens, Clipboards,
Palettes, Some scrap cloth
Specific supplies: fine gold glitter
1. Welcome and warm-up
| 5 min. | découverte
1. Welcome everyone. 2. Hello song. Hello, hello ! How are you ? I'm good, I'm great ! How about you ? 3. Today's theme is the Egyptians!
Using black felt-tip pen, go over the features of the face and the main outline of the rest
Mix dark blue, paint the lines
Mix yellow with glitter and a bit of blue, paint the rest in gold (except necklace : red, light blue...)
Paint the background in black.
5. Tidy-up and good-bye
| 10 min. | découverte
1. Everyone washes their brushes and palettes when they've finished painting. Use the object vocab. 2. One last sing-song 3. That's it ! Until next week ! Good-bye everyone ! Parent-pick-up time.
Abstract experiment
Dernière mise à jour le 07 juillet 2021
Discipline / domaine
Arts plastiques
- Discover the 'push painting' technique
- Experiment with string painting
90 minutes (5 phases)
Supplies common to each session : Audio, Blank cards, Wide based jars, Water,
Aprons, Paint, Paintbrushes (fine and wide), Paper, Card, Felt-tip pens, Clipboards,
Palettes, Some scrap cloth
Specific supplies: transparent plastic (thick enough not to crumple) cut up into A3-sized pieces
1. Welcome and warm-up
| 5 min. | découverte
1. Welcome everyone. 2. Hello song. Hello, hello ! How are you ? I'm good, I'm great ! How about you ? 3. Today's theme is push painting!
2. A spot of art history
| 15 min. | découverte
Introduce today's art aesthetic : pour painting, watch.
This technique uses a lot of paint, and wastes a lot too. We can try to get similar paint effects with the 'push painting' technique.
3. Let's paint
| 45 min. | découverte
Demonstration using 3 colours on white paper.
Squeeze some paint onto the paper, a little here, a little there...
Place the transparent plastic on top and push the paint around using fingers and palm.
Stop near the edges to keep all the paint on the paper.
4. Music moment
| 15 min. | découverte
As it's the last class of the year, listen and sing along to some old favourites.
5. Tidy-up and good-bye
| 10 min. | découverte
1. Everyone washes their brushes and palettes when they've finished painting. Use the object vocab. 2. One last sing-song 3. That's it ! Until next week ! Good-bye everyone ! Parent-pick-up time.
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