« Mix a pancake, stir a pancake »
- Discipline / domaine
- L'oral
- Objectif
- - Learn a Nursery Rhyme.
- Manipulating action verbs.
- Memorize and use the vocabulary of action verbs.
- Understand that in English there is a word accent : the tonic accent.
- Durée
- 45 minutes (5 phases)
- Matériel
- - Video : « Mix a pancake, stir a pancake » + computer.
- Flashcards
1. Warm up !

To contextualize : talk about the carnival coming soon.
To ask questions :
- What are we going to celebrate soon ? Keywords : Carnival / Shrove Tuesday / Christian feast ...
- What is carnival ? Keywords : Christian feast ...
- What do we do on carnival day ? Keywords : Disguises / Parade / Eat pancakes ...
- How do you disguise ? Keywords : Mask / Hat and others disguise ...
Answer questions in interaction.
Ask questions in English and then in French to facilitate understanding. Students answer in French. The teacher translates only the keywords.
2. « Mix a pancake, stir a pancake »

Step 1 :
- Tell the children the objectives of this session « today we will learn a nursery rhyme on Carnival »
- With a computer show the video : « Mix a pancake, stir a pancake ». At each action verb show the flashcards : pancake, mix, stir, pop in, fry, toss, catch.
Step 2 :
- Instructions : « look, listen and don't speak ». The teacher sing and mime the Nursery Rhyme : « Mix a pancake, stir a pancake ».
The children look, listen and don't speak.
3. Practice collectif

Step 1
- Show the flashcards, say vocabulary of flashcards and mime. Example : show the flashcard mix, say « mix » and mime.
Repeat the words.
Step 2
The teacher displays the flashcards at various places in the class.
Instructions 1 : « Point to » : Stand up, listen and point to ...
Show the corresponding flashcards : « over there ».
Instructions 2 : « Go to » : x.... go to « catch » take the flashcard and go in front of the board please. Carry out this instruction for all the flashcards. (say in french if children do not understand).
The called child goes to get the flashcard and stands in front of the board.
Instructions 3 : « Who's got » : Who's got "catch" ?
The other children must responds the name of the child holding the card. The child holding the card responds : « Yes i've got "catch" » or « No i haven't ».
4. Arabic phone

The fashcards are aligned on the board and the children are standing and form 2 Indian rows in front of the board.The teacher says a word to the last children in each row. This one whispers the name of the flashcard to the child in front of him and so on until the first of the line that goes to the board and pointing the finger at the right flashcard. Ask the other students if this is the correct flashcard.
Repeat the game several times changing each time the first and the last of the line.
5. Sing the nursery rhyme.

Make 6 groups. Each group has a sentence of the nursery rhyme.
Group 1 : Mix a pancake
Group 2 : Stir a pancake
Group 3 : Pop it in a pan
Group 4 : Fry a pancake
Group 5 : Toss the pancake up
Group 6 : Catch it, if you can.
In order, each group should say the sentence while singing. Make the intonation with each action verb.
Change and repeat several times by changing the groups
At the end of the activity, sing and mime all together.